Message from The Office of the Provost | March 18

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Dear Faculty and Staff,

The College continues to stay on top of the public health recommendations concerning the outbreak and spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Over recent weeks, this situation has impacted our campuses and locations, and the lives of our employees, and we should be proud of the leadership shown by our teams and the ways in which they have taken great care of our colleagues and students. Below are several updates and reminders you need to be aware of: 

New York State Governor Issues 100% Workforce Reduction Mandate 
Today, New York State Governor Cuomo announced that non-essential businesses must bring their in-person workforce down by 100%, effective the evening of Sunday, March 22, 2020.  Vlogƽ is evaluating this new order, as it relates specifically to colleges, and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Telecommuting Schedule for Faculty and Staff to Continue Beyond March 29

As was communicated previously, faculty and staff will continue to work remotely past March 29 according to their regular schedule. As we get closer to this end date, a determination will be made as to the continuation of working remotely and will be communicated to all of you in a timely manner.

There are several helpful resources available to you including:

  • Faculty should direct any Blackboard technical or instructional design questions to
  • Mercy’s IT Helpdesk is available 24/7 at or (914) 674-7526.  
  • The College’s telecommuting guidelines and other HR policies can be found here.

Tips for Telecommuting 
Telecommuting may be new to many employees.  These tips may be helpful as you adjust to this new work environment format: 

  • When working remotely, try to maintain the same schedule each day that you would in the office and allow room for flexibility as you need it.
  • Set expectations upfront with your manager, direct reports and colleagues so that everyone is on the same page with how and when you are completing your work. Establish consistent working hours, how to communicate availability (e.g. status updates when you’re out of the office, on a call, etc.), and how and when to report progress to your manager or team.
  • Try to separate work life from home life by setting up a dedicated space within your home to work so you can distance yourself from any distractions. Turn off your computer when you would typically leave the office. 
  • Build in time for casual engagement virtually with your colleagues. Consider building in a few minutes at the beginning or end of meetings for informal updates or ice breakers.

New NYS Sick Leave Benefits 
Effective March 18, 2020, New York State issued a new paid sick leave policy for individuals who are subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to coronavirus (COVID-19). This policy applies to both full-time and part-time employees and does not impact an employee’s accrued sick time.

The policy states: Employees subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to coronavirus (COVID-19) will receive paid sick days for the entirety of the quarantine (up to 14 days), plus full job protection.  All employees subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19 are given full job protection during time of absence.  Employees will qualify for paid family leave to care for a minor dependent child who is subject to a mandatory or precautionary order of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19. Such leave shall be provided without loss of employee’s accrued sick leave.

In addition, pursuant to New York State and Westchester County laws, employees who work 80 hours per year or more may take up to 40 hours of sick time if the employee’s place of business, or child’s day care, elementary or secondary school is closed due to a public health emergency, or if a public health authority determines the presence of an employee or family member in the community may jeopardize others’ health because of the individual’s exposure to a communicable disease, whether or not the individual has actually contracted the communicable disease.

Please contact with any questions about this policy.

Confirmed Cases and Exposure 
Confirmed cases of coronavirus in our Mercy community are posted on a dedicated webpage and updated as necessary. If you are identified as someone who has been in direct contact with a known individual in the Mercy community who has tested positive, you will be notified by Vlogƽ. Please respect the privacy of anyone who tests positive to allow them to focus on their health.

Information on the Flexible Spending Account

Dependent Care
If your qualified dependent care facility or provider is currently closed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, this is considered a qualifying event and you are able to adjust or cancel your current dependent care elections within 30 days of the date the facility or provider closed. When the facility or provider resumes care for your dependent, this is also a qualifying event and you have 30 days to adjust or restart your contributions.

Transit and Parking 
If you have been contributing to the Transit and Parking Flexible Spending Account, and you are no longer commuting or have had a decrease in your commute, you are allowed to adjust or cancel your current contributions.

Changes to the Flexible Spending Account can be completed online through the Mercy Connect Benefits Portal found .

Available Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all employees and provides numerous resources, including no-cost counseling service to help address stress and other personal issues you and your family may face. The EAP can be reached 24 hours a day and 7 days a week at 800-327-1850 or.

These are, of course, unusual and troubling times, in which things can change quickly from one day to the next. We will continue to review and update college-wide policies as things progress. Please continue to check our coronavirus website regularly. 

As President Hall stated, “Our Mercy community is strong,” and I believe our community will remain strong as we take special care of our colleagues, our communities, and our family and friends.” If you have any specific concerns, please let your supervisor know, or contact me directly at or at

Thank you for all that you do each day for the College, and the students we serve. 

Annette Piecora 
Director, Human Resources