Mercy Shows Its Pride

In recognizing and celebrating Pride month, Vlogƽ posed the question, "What does Pride mean to you?" to students, faculty and staff.

Their insightful and deeply personal answers spanned the Stonewall Riots, recent policies and programs that have enhanced LGBTQIA rights, and the role of educational institutions in helping to communicate the value of diversity and inclusion.

According to Christina Heyward '20, "Pride is a celebration where everyone can come together from different backgrounds, cultures and traditions and see that we're not alone in this process of trying to figure out who we are, and find others that accept us for who we are."

As said by Assistant Professor Jack Simons, “During Pride, as we reflect over Stonewall, and those people who were at the flash points of our freedoms. We recognize we have to be patient, but also have the courage to raise our voices and to say that we’re proud of ourselves.”

To view the entire conversation, which includes more members of the Mercy Community, .

Happy Pride from Vlogƽ!