Maverick Magazine Fall 2021: Mercy Student Athletes' Game Plans: Succeeding in Sports and Life

Student athletes

Juan Casas Campillo ’25

For Vlogƽ student Juan Casas Campillo ’25, a first-generation student, going to college meant playing soccer – in his mind, one didn’t exist without the other – as well as solidifying a future in the sports field. That’s why Mercy’s soccer program, as well as the option to major in sports management, appealed most to Casas Campillo, who describes soccer as “part of him.” In the same way that eating or sleeping are basic needs to survive, he subsists on soccer.

Savanna James ’22

“I felt a connection to Mercy because of field hockey,” recalled communication disorders major Savanna James ’22, a first-generation college student. In fact, when she visited the Dobbs Ferry Campus with her mom on a college scouting trip, the moment they parked the car and saw the athletic field, James knew: “This is it.”

To read the more of this article in the fall 2021 issue of Maverick Magazine, please

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